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POSTING NEW TOPICS: Please use descriptive subjects when posting a new topic. A topic that says "I have a Question" is not specific and the users browsing the forum will have no idea what your topic is about. Many people will not even bother to click on such ambiguous topics. A specific topic, like "Question About XYZ-Brand Studio Lighting" at least gives us a clue as to what your topic is about and is more likely to have folks click on it. Also, specific topics help our forum search engine index topics into appropriate search results.

If you registered here, then you agreed to >> These Rules <<
In addition to these general rules, this specific forum has the following additional guidelines:
Topics in this forum should be about lighting. It is for discussing things related to controlling the lighting of our photos (e.g., lighting equipment, flash photography, studio lighting setups, discussing lighting-related vendors, etc.) General questions about photography, post-processing, printing, etc, should be posted in the applicable topic-specific forum. If we think it is warranted, we reserve the right to move topics to more subject-applicable forums.

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