Originally Posted By Steve
Well....yes, but no. There are apps and post processing capabilities that make the phone more than equal (in most applications) to the digital DSLR. It bums me out too. I just dropped real money on a Canon 7dMKII and a pricey lens to boot. Sadly, but thankfully (contradiction is a part of life) the iPhone takes FANTASTIC pics. The DSLR feels like my toy and the phone is really more my tool now. Again, I'm not happy about it, but thats' just the way it has worked out.

I still feel like there's film and then there's digital. Film = skill, digital = whatever. If you want to impress me, go back to film. Then again, a good pic is a good pic...

Well, I don't feel that way at all. I too have the Canon 7D Mark II and with a 150-600 Sigma Super Tele lens. Try going to Bosque Del Apache wild life refuge and popping off birds in flight at several hundred yards at 10 frames per second with your iPhone. Isn't gonna happen. The iPhone is a good tool for taking snapshots, but I don't see it replacing a DSLR with high-quality optics. The iPhone has very tiny sensor with limited optics. Yes, it can take decent pictures within certain limitations.